Francesco delli Falconi takes part as speaker at the conference “Welfare, compensation & benefits in the company” organized by Paradigma S.p.A. at the Grand Hotel et de Milan, Via Manzoni no. 29.
Francesco delli Falconi panel covers tax and social security aspects of production bonus as entered into force and regulated by Italian 2016 Budget Law (so called “Premi di Risultato”. The presentation will take into account all clarifications provided by Italian Tax Authorities regarding such remuneration figures (e.g. Tax law regime; aspects regulated by Italian 2016 Bugdet Law; hypothesis of social security exemption; social security aspects connected to bonuses destinated to complementary pension scheme and supplementary health care: interpretation provided by Assonime (act n. 22/2018) and other possible hermeneutic approaches suggested by law n. 153/1969, article 12, paragraph, 1, regarding production bonus).