Roma 06 95216800 - Milano 02 49540100 - Torino 011 0412700


Dott. Avv. Stefano Rota

Dott. Avv. Stefano Rota

Lawyer, Tax Advisor and Statutory Auditor

A partner in the firm, Stefano generally assists large-sized corporations and entities, both Italian and foreign, mainly in the field of direct taxation, providing advice particularly on issues lied to financial intermediaries and their products, and, in general, to IAS/IFRS principles.

He started his collaboration with SCGT in 2017, with the inauguration of Milan office, and in January 2019 he became partner in the firm.

Previously, he carried out his activities in the same fields in other firms among which Studio Associato – Consulenza Tributaria e Legale, connected to the KPMG network (2000 – 2017) in Milan, where he has been Associate Partner since 2009.

Stefano graduated in Business Economics from the Luigi Bocconi Business University of Milan and in Law from the University of Milan Bicocca. He is a member of the Register of Tax Advisors and Accountants, of the Register of Lawyers and of the Register of Statutory Auditors.

He is, and has been, a member of the board of auditors of various companies, including financial companies.

He is often asked to act as speaker in seminars and conferences on fiscal matters and as a lecturer at various University courses. Stefano is author of articles on tax matters and he collaborated in the drafting of the manual “Le imposte sui redditi del Testo Unico”, by Maurizio Leo, Giuffrè, 2018 edition.