Roma 06 95216800 - Milano 02 49540100 - Torino 011 0412700


Dott. Roberto Buschini

Dott. Roberto Buschini

Tax Advisor and Statutory Auditor

Partner in the firm, Roberto assists in the corporate and tax field, mainly provided to joint-stock companies belonging to national and multinational groups operating in various sectors, having a particular specialization in corporate tax issues. This activity is carried out with reference to both ordinary problems, concerning the direct and indirect taxation of companies, and extraordinary ones, linked to corporate reorganization operations (at both national and international level) or changes to the shareholding structure (acquisitions and sales ). Over the years he has also gained significant experience in the area of real estate taxation.

Previously, he collaborated with a leading tax law firm in Milan (2004 – 2007). From 2007 to 2019 he carried out tax consultancy and assistance activities at Studio BGR, of which he has been a partner since 2017.

Roberto graduated with a degree in Business Economics, with distinction, from the Faculty of Economy and Commerce of the University of Pavia, and he is a member of the Association of Tax Advisors and Accountants of Turin and the Register of Statutory Auditors.

He also holds, and has held, the position of member of the board of statutory auditors of companies belonging to Italian and multinational groups, operating in various economic sectors.