Roma 06 95216800 - Milano 02 49540100 - Torino 011 0412700

Alberto Trabucchi takes part as a speaker at the webinar organized by ANTI (Associazione Nazionale Tributaristi Italiani) in collaboration with CFE (Confederation Fiscale Europeenne), named “Recent measures to promote businesses (civilistic and fiscal profiles)”.

The meeting will focus on the analysis of accounting and tax profiles related to the revaluation and realignment regime pursuant to the Article 110 law decree no. 104/2020, as well as the other facilitative measures envisaged to promote businesses (e.g., investment tax credit on capital goods).

Alberto Trabucchi will be involved to examine the realignment regime with regard to both OIC-adopters and IAS-adopters, investigating the related accounting and fiscal issues – especially following the regulations’ extension on goodwill and other intangible assets in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 83, law no. 178/2020 – and focusing on other doubtful points.

Colleagues Massimo Pellecchia and Marcello Ascenzi will also speak, focusing respectively on the analysis of the revaluation regime for OIC-adopters and other facilitative measures.

The webinar takes place on Microsoft Teams.
