
Dott. Pierpaolo Maspes
Tax Advisor and Statutory Auditor
Equity partner in the firm, Pierpaolo generally assists large-sized entities and corporations, both Italian and foreign, regarding tax issues relating to the area of indirect taxation and, notably, value added tax.
Pierpaolo graduated with a degree in Business and Economics, with distinction, from LUISS Guido Carli – Free International University of Social Studies in Rome, and is a member of the Association of Tax Advisors and Accountants of Rome and the Register of Statutory Auditors.
Before joining the firm, he carried out his activities at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (2007-2008), Studio Tributario e Societario, connected to the Deloitte network (2003-2007), Studio di Consulenza Legale e Tributaria, connected to the Andersen network (1999-2003), and Assonime – the Association of Italian Joint Stock Companies (1986-1999).
He was a member of the Tax and Economic Policy Experts Committee of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the 63rd government of the Italian Republic.
He was a member of the VAT Commission of the Association of Tax Advisors and Accountants of Rome.
He has held the office of statutory auditor in financial companies and publicly owned companies. He was chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Equitalia Servizi di Riscossione S.p.A..
He is a member of the VAT Expert Group at the European Commission, which contributes to the development and implementation of EU VAT policies.
Pierpaolo is a lecturer at various public and private institutions, including the Finance Police Academy, the Advanced School for Economics and Finance and the Association of Tax Advisors and Accountants of Rome, and is often asked to act as speaker and moderator in seminars and conferences.
He is the author of numerous articles in specialist magazines in the sector. Specifically, he is a member of the editorial board of the magazines “La Gestione Straordinaria delle Imprese” and “Il Fisco”. He is also the author of the treatise “Gli scambi intracomunitari”, published in the series “Giurisprudenza sistematica di diritto tributario”, volume “L’imposta sul valore aggiunto”, UTET 2001, of the treatise “L’IVA nelle operazioni straordinarie”, in the collective works “Il regime fiscale delle operazioni straordinarie”, Giappichelli 2009, of the treatise “Il valore nell’iva fra regole di quantificazione del corrispettivo e disposizioni nazionali e comunitarie: l’uso “anormale” del valore normale”, in the collective works “Corrispettività, onerosità, gratuità. Profili tributari”, Giappichelli 2014, as well as co-author of part of the series “Breviaria Iuris” founded by G. Cian and A. Trabucchi, of the “Commentario Breve alle Leggi Tributarie”, Volume IV, “IVA e imposte sui trasferimenti”, CEDAM 2011.