New developments regarding performance-related bonuses and expense reimbursement – Personnel Administration course – Gruppo SOI S.p.A., Rome
On 11th July 2018, Centro Congressi Cavour, in Via Cavour no. 50, hosts the course “New developments in performance-related bonuses and expense reimbursement”, organized by Gruppo SOI S.p.A.
Francesco delli Falconi and Antonello Orlando speak on the following topics: performance-related bonuses: 10% de-taxation (beneficiaries and application limits); building a labor union agreement in compliance with Law no. 208/2015 and the Legislative Decree of 25.3.2016; reduction in contributions: the joint involvement of employees; the conversion of bonuses into welfare: new profiles of convenience and costs for the employer; changes to Article 51 of the Consolidated Law on Income Tax: welfare and fringe benefits; reimbursement of exempt expenses paid to employees; the new letter D-bis of Article 51 para. 2 and the use of public transport; the new points in the Circular on the subject “Contractual profiles and Italian taxation”.