Dott. Fabrizio Cravero
Tax Advisor and Statutory Auditor
Equity partner of the Firm, he carries out consultancy and assistance activities in the corporate and tax field, mainly provided to corporations belonging to multinational groups operating in various sectors (including the financial sector), having a particular specialization in tax issues of companies (both of subjects OIC adopter and of subjects IAS / IFRS adopter) and international taxation (also related to natural persons). This activity is carried out with reference to both ordinary issues, concerning the direct and indirect taxation of companies, and extraordinary issues, related to corporate reorganization operations (both nationally and internationally), modification of the shareholding structure (acquisitions and disposals) and to court litigation and pre-litigation procedures.
Fabrizio graduated magna cum laude in Business and Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Turin; he is a member of the Association of Tax Advisors and Accountants for the Districts of Turin and the Register of Statutory Auditors.
Since the end of the 1990s he has also dedicated himself to the issue of transfer prices within multinational groups, participating in the preparation of studies, policies and national documentation of companies belonging to numerous Italian and foreign groups. In this context, he also assisted in obtaining Italian tax authorities’ ruling on transfer pricing.
From 1992 to 2005 he carried out consultancy and tax assistance activities at Studio di Consulenza Fiscale e Societaria (later Studio di Consulenza Legale e Tributaria), a professional association of chartered accountants and lawyers, being the Italian correspondent for the Arthur Andersen / Andersen Legal networks (up to 2002) and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (since 2002) network for legal and tax services, later merged with Studio Tributario e Societario (correspondent for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu).
From 2006 to 2019 he was a partner of Studio BGR, a tax advisory firm where he as been active in Turin and Milan offices.
Since 2008, he is a member of the International Fiscal Association (I.F.A.) and he regularly takes part to the international congress as well as to the activities of the Italian branch.
He is, and has been, member of the board of statutory auditors of various companies belonging to Italian and multinational groups, mainly operating in the automotive, financial (SIM-Securities brokerage companies and other regulated entities), food and aeronautical sectors.
In this context, he participated, as a speaker, in conferences dealing with issues of international taxation, taxation of business income (also with reference to IAS / IFRS adopters) and transfer pricing.
He contributed, as co-author, to the publication of the book entitled “Il diritto dei marchi d’impresa” published by Utet.