Dott. Diego Avolio
Tax Advisor and Statutory Auditor
Partner in the Firm, Diego provides tax advice and assistance to medium and large companies, including listed companies, for issues relating to direct taxation and international taxation. He has developed considerable experience in assisting taxpayers in particularly complex tax audits (transfer pricing, permanent establishment, business restructuring) and in judicial and extrajudicial assistance also with foreign tax authorities (APA and BAPA in the field of transfer pricing).
Statutory Auditor and member of the SB of medium and large companies.
He has been a partner in important tax firms, including international ones, “Mc Dermott Will Emery” (October 2022-December 2023), “Santacroce & Partners” (head of the Milan office, 2010-2022). Previously, he was an associate of the Law and Tax Firm “Di Tanno e Associati”.
Diego graduated with a degree, with distinction, in Economics and Business, at the University of Turin, he obtained an Adv. LL.M. in International Taxation at the University of Leiden (Netherlands). He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome and the Register of Statutory Auditors. He is a member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA).
He is a lecturer at public and private institutions, including the Academy of the Guardia di Finanza (for courses on transfer pricing), the Bicocca University of Milan (for the “Co.Fi.” master’s degree in accounting and corporate taxation) and the Giuffrè training school (of which he is the scientific coordinator, for courses on transfer pricing and international taxation).
Diego is the author of numerous articles on tax matters for the magazines (Wolters Kluwer) “Il Fisco”, “Corriere Tributario”, “Il Sole 24 Ore” and “QuotidianoPiù” (Giuffrè).
Curator and Author of the volumes Giuffrè, Fiscalità internazionale e dei gruppi, Milan, 2020; Transfer pricing, Milan, 2022; Patent Box, R&D tax credit and other incentives for innovation, Milan, 2023. Author in the collective works Wolters Kluwer, La stabile organizzazione delle imprese industriali e commerciali, Milan, 2016; Customs Value and Transfer Pricing, Milan, 2019.