Roma 06 95216800 - Milano 02 49540100 - Torino 011 0412700

Workshop – Transfer Pricing and Patent Box

The firm organizes a workshop (by invitation and reserved for our clients) on new law provisions about Transfer Pricing (TP) – after the entry into force of the guidelines for the application of the provisions of Article 110 paragraph 7 of the TUIR (Decree No....

Workshop – ATAD I

12-09-2018 (Milan) and 13-09-2018 (Rome) The firm organizes two workshops (by invitation and reserved for our clients) on the draft legislative decree for the transposition in Italy of the ATAD I directive (EU directive 2016/1164 of July 12 2016), to be implemented by...

Workshop – Telematic Tax Process (TTP)

05-07-2018 (Rome) and 10-07-2018 (Milan) The firm organizes two workshops (by invitation and reserved for our clients) on the Telematic Tax Process (TTP), now in operation throughout Italy and growing rapidly thanks to its efficiency and lower costs. The workshop...