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Taxation of IAS/IFRS entities / October 15th, 2024

Tomorrow, Tuesday 15 October 2024, Carlo Sanna will participate as a speaker in the webinar, organised by Paradigma, aimed at analysing the main accounting and tax aspects related to the adoption of IAS/IFRS. The topics addressed will be those related to the tax...

It’s the end of the voucher as we know it! / Il Fisco 24/2024

In ‘il fisco’ no. 24 of 2024, Pierpaolo Maspes and Raffaele Corso analyze the interpretation of the VAT discipline applicable to vouchers, introduced in the national legislation in 2019, in the light of the recent ruling of the European Court of Justice 18 April 2024,...

Taxation of IAS/IFRS entities / May 24th, 2024

On May 24th, 2024 Carlo Sanna takes part as a speaker to the webinar, organized by Paradigma, aimed at analyzing the main accounting and tax aspects related to the adoption of IAS/IFRS principles. Carlo Sanna, during the second day of webinar, will focus its analysis...