Roma 06 95216800 - Milano 02 49540100 - Torino 011 0412700


Dott. Alessandro Muradore

Dott. Alessandro Muradore

Tax Advisor and Statutory Auditor

Partner in the firm, Alessandro assists Italian and foreign large-sized corporations in the field of direct taxation, providing advice on particularly complex issues such as banking activities, taxation of IAS/IFRS principles and cooperative compliance.

Previously, he carried out his activities in the field of direct taxation at KStudio Associato, connected to the KPMG network (2009-2010), at Studio Tributario e Societario, connected to the Deloitte network (2011), at Terrin e Associati (2012 – 2015) and at Banca Ifis, as head of the tax office (2016).

Alessandro graduated with a degree in Business consultancy, from University Ca’ Foscari in Venice, and he is a member of the Association of Tax Advisors and Accountants of Padua and the Register of Statutory Auditors.

He is a lecturer at various public and private institutions, including Luigi Bocconi Commercial University in Milan, Milan Bicocca University and LUISS Guido Carli – Free International University of Social Studies in Rome, and is often asked to act as speaker and moderator in seminars and conferences.

He is co-author of the manual “Le imposte sui redditi nel Testo Unico”, Maurizio Leo, Giuffré, editions 2018, 2020 and 2022, and is the author of numerous articles published in specialized magazines.